Hi, this is my lego hotrod blog and I want to impress you with my hotrods, of which the
instructions are available for anyone. All you need to do yourself is order the bricks at bricklink.com.
I made all sorts of hotrods, from famous hotrods to my own models, theme-models and superhero models.
Let me start with the
Superhero models:
The Lego Bat Rod is a creation that I made especially for our hero the Lego Batman, you can see all sorts of Batman related details like the wings, the little bat at the front, the little bat-bumper at the front and back...
On of my better models I believe and a unique gift for a true lego batman fan. You won't find this in any lego store. Actually, none of my models are available in stores.
Now, if the
Lego Batman gets a hotrod, I guess so does
Lego Spiderman, I don't want to be rude right... So here is my
Lego Spider Rod.
What can I say? The colorsheme is very obvious right? Blue, red and white...
The roof is made of a lego spiderweb, and all over the vehicle you will discover little spiders.
If you say Lego Spiderman, I hear
Lego Anti Venom! So I tried to also give shape to the
Anti Venom Rod...
To create a sort of darkish theme for the
Anti Venom Rod, I needed to use dark colors, so this model is all black and grey, with the exceptions of some white details.
I wanted it to be bigger and bad-der than the spider rod, with a really aggresive line, so the back wheels had to be bigger, to shape an aggresive hot rod. I hope I succeeded.
The last one in this series is the
Lego Hulk Rod, now that was a dillema. I chose, however to give shape to a
Lego Hulk Rod that fits a minifigure cause otherwise it would be impossible for me, because the lego hulk minifigure doesn't sit straight.
Obviously, the paint job was easy: green and more green. In this case I gave the
Lego Hulk Rod some firing power. And when an angry
Lego Bruce Banner drives a vehicle, well he needs some rebars for protection.
So far for the
Lego Super Hero Hotrods...